It's been a little while since I bought a kimono. The last kimono I bought was from Ume Bloom's blogsale, this very pretty purple & gold komon kimono. Just found out that I didn't even made a blogpost for this kimono! I'm very ashamed of this, I will do this soon, it's so pretty.
And to complete the order I got me a bundle of iromuji kimono. I do hope they're long enough, otherwise those will be my first project to lengthen them... But they had really nice colors (a pink iromuji is almost a necessity in your tansu I think) and fabric/patterns, and the bundle wasn't that expensive.
Let's hope this all will arrive very soon :-D
Nice shopping!
You know I love all hakata, so Finally!
You both will look so different in the yukata even though they are the same.
The iro-muji look pretty, I hope they will fit too.
Oh lovely shopping! That yukata which is a wonderful asset, you will not regret it ;3 (although it's just a little bit more pinkish than the photo's show)
We should do a twin kitsuke for fun :D And like Misuchi said we will both have our own style! Do you know what obi your going to pair it with?
I'm also very curious about your bundle of iromuji. The first 3 top colors are so rich!
We should do a twin kitsuke, would be fun :-D
My first choice of obi would be the same hanhaba obi I wore in Leiden. But I also have a very pretty fukuro with silver/pink/purple, and another fukuro with purple.
And I am very curious about those iromuji!
For the yukata I would vote a hanhaba :3 nice and casual!
Let me know when you have your yukata, okay ;D
I'll let you know!
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