It was so much fun and we had a great evening. The only time they saw so many kimono was when they were at a shop/store to choose which furisode to wear on their Coming of Age Day in Japan! The biggest compliment I got, was that they told me I looked so comfortable wearing kimono.
Those two women were really sweet. We talked about a lot, my boyfriend and his colleague talked a little about work, and her friend and me talked about movies and books (we both like fantasy). And they liked my cooking, yay :-)
And of course... I just had to wear kimono!

The obi is a hakata obi I bought from a fellow kimono-lover in the UK, Bangasa Kimono. She's selling some of her kimono and obi, and when I saw she was selling a few hakata obi, I saw my name all over them! And this purple one was one of them ^_^
It's a perfect match for my pink houmongi, don't you think? With this houmongi I now have at least 2 obi to match it with, this purple hakata and the black with pink rose. I read in the book 'The new kimono', and have heard the saying 1 kimono, 3 obi. Maybe I will start a new challenge, finding 3 obi to match 1 kimono...
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