Why perfect?? It has a little waist and... a perfect flat chest! No more padding, yeay!
So on the last day of 2011 I did some kitsuke on it, with a kimono I haven't worn yet. I bought this from Ryujiro almost a year ago, and yes I am very much ashamed to say that ;-)
The kimono has a red pattern of wheels on it, some of which are colored gold, purple and the same red as the pattern. So I thought of combining it with my new red and black hakata nagoya obi. I'm so glad to have this obi, it's my first hakata obi!

Obiage is a 'standard' red shibori one, the obijime was a present from Misuchi (thank you!).
When I was finished, the white collar looked a bit dull/bleak (don't know how you call it). Guess what's used as a date eri?? A black obiage I also got from Misuchi! And it looks much better with that touch of black!
Happy New Year!!
PS, I think there has to be a better obi for this kimono in my collection... Comments are welcome!
I love it! This obi seems just fine, maybe hide the obi age more (but that's just my preference especially with these shibory types, they are so overwhelming)
Perfect way to end the year and what a good dolly it is.
Have fun with It ^_^
The hakata obi is lovely, and the black eri breaks everything up and ads interest!
@Misuchi, you're absolutely right about the shibori obiage! But it's the only red obiage I've got... Oh well, now that I've got a sewingmachine, I can make lots of obiages (and haneri's)!!!
@Hanna, thank you! I also love the obi, let's hope I can wear it with more kimono ^_~
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