Unfortunately there haven't been many kimono or kitsuke days these past few months. Actually, to be exactly, there was only 1 event worth wearing kimono. In march Rota and I, together with our boyfriends, went to the theater to see Osaka Dadadadan Tenko and we had a wonderful time. You can see pics on Rota's blog (those were the only pics taken).
Last weekend (april 24) a colleague and I went to the annual Elf Fantasy Fair. This is one of the best known fairs on elfs and fantasy in Europe, so a lot of non-Dutchies come to see and participate in this. It was fun to see all those costumes! Some were good, some were less, and some were just awesome! There was also a stand with kimono and taiko workshops, but unfortunately I missed those...
I've uploaded a batch of pictures taken on the fair, so you can see for yourself.
In the upcoming months I won't be able to wear kimono :-(
Our roof needs reconstruction, and if I have to choose between these two...
I hope you will have a lot of opportunities to wear kimono, and please post!
And what kind of costume did you wear? Just curious -.)
Mine was a very unique costume! I went as myself ;-D
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