Last week I was looking on eBay again since a very long time, and I saw some very beautiful kimono listed... And I couldn't resist to do some bidding :-) Unfortunately some of the kimono I bid on slipped right through my fingers, but I did win 3 pretty kimono and 1 obi.
Hopefully they will arrive soon...
(the pictures link to my flickr-page where you can find more pictures of these kimono and obi)

That obi is so beautiful and soft!
Thank you Diane! I'm curious how the red kimono looks irl. It's my first omeshi kimono..
Good shopping!
Haha, thankx :-)
nice shopping and I did a bid on the blue one to but I lost it don't no why LOL
Enjoy unwrapping the treasures.
I'll think of you when the kimono arrive and I'm unwrapping :-)
Hey that light blue one is the one you were wearing yesterday. And that obi is lovely!
Yep, that's yesterdays kimono!
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